Tuesday, December 9, 2008

a plug for hyphen

So I thought I'd share a new favorite finding of mine...

Hyphen Magazine

Not only does this non-profit publication have a clever name, but I've also found its magazine and web content, photography, graphic design, and message to be exceptional and super great. Claiming to be a magazine "about Asian America for the culturally and politically savvy", many articles and artistic components promote creativity, and social awareness that explores the fluid, constantly evolving notion of Asian America. It does so rather nicely without trying to be "color-blind" or "self-exotifying". So I recommend you take a gander.

The following taken from their website:

Because it shouldn't be hard to find substantive and well-researched articles about complicated issues that affect Asian Americans in a single magazine devoted to us.

Because we're tired of reading celebrity profiles in publications that tell us what to buy, where to travel, and how to eat.

Because we're bored with first-person essays about discovering our roots. Hello, can we stop talking about our roots, which we found a long time ago thank-you-very-much, and move on? Can we talk about people doing interesting things because they're interesting, not just because they're Asian American and always making statements about their identity?

Because we feel excluded when reading only about New York and California — what about Texas and Minnesota and Kansas?

Because we'll yawn if we see another interview with the same three Asians the mainstream approves of. We want to hear about emerging artists, writers, filmmakers, performers, and musicians.

Because we're Asian American, not Asian.

Because when we scanned the newsstand, we couldn't find ourselves. Now we can.


Yummyhobo said...

You should also take a look at Giant Robot magazine based on the West Coast. It focuses on Asian American pop culture and art. http://www.giantrobot.com/

Anonymous said...

Hey all,

Hyphen also posts its issues online in a really nice format over at issuu.com. Here's the link:
